
What #MeToo taught us about Public Relations
Organic, grass-roots movements have much more juice than many ever thought possible with the power of social media

Public Relations: College Classes vs Career Lessons
For young PR professionals trying to break into the field, here’s a short breakdown on the difference between what professors say in school and what real bosses, clients, and consumers are looking for from their PR agents.

The Best PR People Share These Traits
Those who rise to the highest levels of the field all attribute their success to the following crucial traits.

Yellow Journalism: A History of Falsified News
This is not the first time the nation has had to grapple with issues of journalistic integrity pitted against the capitalistic inclination to sell newspapers.

Doctored Videos and PR
Is this the end of truth as we know it?

Proofread like a Pro
Luckily, there are some handy apps and websites that will help remove some of the stress.

Public Relations in a Post Truth World
In order to maintain some level of credibility, PR professionals have to rely on values and behaviors to spin their narratives.

Snapchat and Online Authenticity
Modern consumers of media can spot a self-righteous phony a mile away, so the heart of any creation has to be honesty honesty honesty.

The Internet of Punctuation
The Internet of Punctuation: New uses of the question mark and exclamation point Public Relations is constantly in a game of cat-and-mouse with public uses of language and how to communicate authoritatively but still in an engaging fashion. Language is in a perpetual...

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